Chapter 13: Falling of the Masks

Falling of the Masks

Falling of the Masks


After returning from his trip to Rome, George felt more alive and at ease, and was relieved of a lot of his pressure and concerns. He wondered if the concerns he used to feel was due to him being occupied with reading, or may be due to the confusion and negative thoughts about the Bible and God; rather about Christianity as a whole, with all its sects. But what he felt now could be compared to the joy of a child when his toy breaks, as what would he find after shattering the church, the papacy and their Bible? Where will he find another toy to play with?! Or will he just remain as an atheist; losing his soul, his life and his happiness? But then he shouted in a way that shook his soul: “O God! O God!”
Even Katrina loved the journey and felt that her spirit had changed and had been lifted. Was it the happiness for her husband and her kids’ pleasure?! Or was it the happiness that revealed the masks she used to see and admire? She now had a new and different perspective of life. She remembered her shock about the priest’s confusion and weakness. She also remembered how weak she was before the Egyptian and his book, and her silence before Janolka and his arguments. She said to herself, “But to have certainty is better than having horrendous doubts,” and continuing she asked herself, “Why am I happier now?”
After returning home, unpacking and settling down, George opened his e-mail to check if he had any replies from his friends, and he found some. He copied them and then sent them back, as he had done the other times.

“Levvi: Yes, though I hate Muslims who killed my father, but to know the evil that lies within them and how to keep away from it.” “Habib: Yes, it is a divine religion, and yet we know very little about it.” “Tom: Yes, perhaps I might find there what I couldn’t find in any other religion.” “Adam: Definitely, yes. Being objective requires one to search and know all divine religions.” “Janolka: Yes, I like to learn and know about everything.”

Among all these replies, he couldn’t find Katrina’s, as she hadn’t checked her e-mail since they had traveled to Rome. So George wrote the fifth point for discussion and sent it to all of them.

“Fifth discussion point: I was surprised that all the replies I got from you stated “yes”, though for different reasons. Therefore today’s question is: I’d like everyone to briefly compare the books of the three divine religions: the Old Testament, New Testament and the Qur’an, George –London

Some minutes passed after sending the e-mail, and then the phone rang. It was Tom, but his tension and worry were clear in his voice.

•George: What’s wrong?

•Tom: Nothing, I just want to check you arrived and set an appointment with you, so when shall we meet?

•George: We only arrived forty-five minutes ago, and it’s late. Shall we make it tomorrow? Or you can come now.

•Tom: Sorry, I lost track of time. Please accept my apologies; I’ll come to your place at ten a.m. tomorrow morning.

•George: I’ll wait for you. Everything will be okay, God willing.

•Tom: Thank you, George. I repeat my apologies.

George became concerned about Tom’s call. At once he remembered Tom’s e-mail and his Facebook hacking, and his problem with Brad. He restarted his computer and opened Tom’s page on Facebook. To his surprise, he found photos of Katrina in outrageous clothes with Tom! He tried to look carefully at them. He found crystal clear innocence on her face in the photos. It was a great shock for him; a shock that erased his happiness and pleasure from his trip to Rome. He said to himself:

•“It seems that everything is deception and falsity, even innocence!”

He thought of calling Tom again, but he preferred to wait until the next day at ten. He tried to sleep, but he couldn’t; Katrina’s photo with Tom never left his head. He didn’t know how he believed the lie weaved by both Katrina and Tom. He thought to himself: “Shame on them! Shame on the high morals the people tell others to have but they themselves do not have. Why doesn’t time pass quickly?! Even time is clever at pretending and being false; sometimes time seems long, and other times short, though it is the same time period in both cases.”


Katrina woke up at nine in the morning. George pretended to be sleeping. She came closer to him and whispered:


•Katrina: Darling, excuse me, I’m going shopping to get some things for the house.

Once Katrina left, George got out of the bed, waiting for Tom who came at ten on the dot. George received him with a long gloomy face.

•Tom: Sorry for the disturbance. The problem is very simple but very worrying.

•George: Just say it.

•Tom: The battle with Brad has started ferociously.

•George: Didn’t you expect that?

•Tom: Yes, but it’s a dirty war.

•George: But it’s what is to be expected from someone like Brad, isn’t it?

•Tom: Yes, but let me continue… he offered for me to help them in scandals or be part of their drug-dealing gang, but I refused. He threatened me more than once, but I kept my stand. A couple of days ago, to my surprise, I found out that my Facebook account couldn’t be opened. I thought it was some technical fault in the website. Afterwards, I was shocked to find some of my old unethical photos on my Facebook account.

•George: That’s 100% expected, isn’t it?

•Tom: Please let me continue. After these photos were posted on my account, he asked me again to cooperate, and I refused once more. After that he started even dirtier business than before, he fabricated unreal photos of me and downloaded them on the website.

•George: So what do you want from me?

•Tom: I don’t know what to say, but he created photos of Katrina while we were in the church, and I was naked.

•George: You want to say that the photos of infidelity on your Facebook are fabricated?

•Tom: Yes, they are really fabricated!

•George: I believe the photo you are talking about is one of my wife, and I’m pretty sure that they are actual photos of her.

•Tom: Yes, they are her photos, but they are fake… not real.

•George: That’s enough, Tom. Stop fooling me!

•Tom: Have a close look at the photos. You’ll see that they were fabricated.

•George: Get out of my house. Get out! Get out!

•Tom: Be fair and do not oppress me or Katrina, George.

•George: Get out! Out I say!

George threw himself into a chair in the hall. He didn’t know what to do, he was very anxious. His phone rang so he looked at the number. It was Adam. He mumbled, “It seems that everyone is taking me for a fool and I’m the only idiot in this game. What does he want now?”

•George: Hello! Yes, Adam.

•Adam: Hi! We missed you.

•George: What do you want?

•Adam: Nothing, just wanted to say hello.

•George: Thanks, goodbye.

George hung up the phone, thinking of what he was going to say to Katrina who was expected to arrive in a few minutes. He felt insulted, cheated and as though he had been stabbed in the back. He held himself back a bit when he saw Katrina coming in, smiling.

•Katrina: There is no ready-made breakfast in the hotel like there was in Rome. Have you had breakfast yet, or shall I prepare something for you?

•George: I don’t want anything.

•Katrina: So do you want a glass of milk or a cup of tea?

•George: No, thanks.

•Katrina: Join me in something, even just something small.

•George: I told you I don’t want anything. Don’t you understand?

•Katrina: What’s wrong with you, George?

•George: The masks have fallen, Katrina.

•Katrina: What masks?

He opened Tom’s page for her, and then went snarling and angrily to the bedroom.

•George: Look, pious worshiper. You, little monster! If you were a nun, you would be a big monster just like the priests and monks of the church, look!

Katrina looked at the photos, and ran crying to George.

•Katrina: Tom is a cheeky liar. This is not me!

•George: Does the professional actress want to resume the play? Well.. go and enjoy yourselves together tomorrow…

•Katrina: Believe me, it’s not me! I can’t do something like that. This is offensive and a big lie from Tom. Didn’t you often tell me that he is an unethical godless man?

•George: Weren’t you the one who pushed me to go to him in particular? Weren’t you the one who taught him religion? Weren’t you the one who said that he had changed?

•Katrina: I didn’t ever expect you to suspect me!

Katrina fell down crying bitterly... then she pulled herself together and went to the laptop again. She looked at the photos; cursing and swearing at Tom. Suddenly her eyes caught a clear fabrication. She held the laptop and rushed into George.

•Katrina: Look! The photo is obviously fabricated. It’s obviously made up. Does this chest look like it fits this head?!

•George: The exact same words as Tom; ‘a fabricated photo’. Is it a new scene in the play?

•Katrina: Look carefully.

•George: Maybe, but I don’t want to be an idiot anymore and believe your games with me!

•Katrina: How come Tom said it’s fabricated and he’s the one who posted it on his page?

•George: A little while ago Tom came and said that Brad had hacked his account, and that he is the one who fabricated this photo out of revenge.

•Katrina: Brad! Why would he want to take revenge on him?

•George: To complete the scenario of the play, he refused to cooperate with him in dealing with drugs.

•Katrina: I don’t understand anything, but I’m pretty sure that the photos are fabricated. It’s crystal clear!

•George: They could be fabricated and they could be real. Didn’t Tom send you an e-mail that his account on Facebook was hacked? Or have we started a new scene of the play?

•Katrina: I haven’t checked my e-mail since we travelled to Rome. Give me the laptop so that perhaps I might understand.

Katrina signed into her account and she found two e-mails from Tom. The first one read that his account had been hacked, while the second one contained indecent photos; the same photos of Tom on Facebook, titled “This is the evidence of guiltlessness and honesty”. She looked carefully at the photo and she found that the person next to Tom was George, and not her!

•Katrina: George, actually you’re the one who is cheating on me. Look at the photos carefully.

•George: Cheating on you?! With whom?!

•Katrina: With Tom. Isn’t that an act of homosexuality, O protestant?!

George looked carefully at the photos. It was clear that they were the same photos - the same fabricated photos. George looked down for a while, and then raised his head sighing with confusion.

•George: What have I done? I kicked Tom out of the house.

•Katrina: And you doubted me, George!

•George: And I hung up the phone on Adam, thinking that he wanted to continue in the play, in agreement with Tom.

•Katrina: Why all this, George?

•George: Adam advised me more than once not to make any decision while I’m angry or weak. I don’t know what I should do now. Sorry, Katrina, I misjudged you.

•Katrina: Just sorry?! After all you’ve done?!

•George: Well, what do you want me to do?

•Katrina: I don’t know, but the apology should comply with the size of the mistake.

•George: Forgive me, please. And I’ll see what I can do to repair the damage I caused with Tom and Adam.

•Katrina: Though you’ve hurt me deeply and unexpectedly, I’ll forgive you on one condition: that you remember Adam’s advice which you have just mentioned.

•George: Thank you, Katrina. You are very kind. I don’t know how to thank you and make it up to you.

•He stood up and hugged her, then said: I’ll make it up to Tom and Adam as well. Will you please excuse me for a while?

•Katrina: Okay. And though I’m hurt, I’ll pray for God to help you.

George sat on the laptop, opened his e-mail, and wrote the following:

Dear Tom, After what happened between us, I’ll get directly to what I want to say; that I misjudged you and I apologize. You came to my house and apologized, you expected forgiveness from me, please just treat me the same. If you want me to come to your clinic to kick me out, then I’m ready. I repeat my apologies, George.”

Afterwards, he phoned Adam and apologized to him.

•George: I bought you this very fancy but very cheap bag.

•Adam: Did you find it with these specifications?

•George: Yes, when can you come and take it?

•Adam: Ha ha ha... whenever it suits you, in order for you not to talk to me the way you did today.

•George: Anytime that suits you. And pardon me; I was in a tense situation. I’ll tell you when I see you.

•Adam: Visit me at the café. It’s been ages since you last visited me there.

•George: Okay. I’ll come by today or tomorrow.

He hung up and checked his e-mail again, waiting for Tom’s reply. He found that the same e-mail that Tom had sent to Katrina had been sent to him as well. While checking it, he received a reply from Tom to his e-mail, saying:

“Listen and follow my instructions, so that I may forgive you: 1- Come to my clinic at 1 p.m. and then I’ll decide whether I’ll kick you out or not. 2- Don’t do this headless behavior again. 3- Confirm your commitment to the instructions in the e-mail once you’ve read it, Dr. Tom”

George replied:

“Dear Tom, I agree, even if you kick me out. I’ve made a mistake, George”

As soon as he sent the reply, Tom phoned him.

•Tom: Hello!

•George: Hello! I repeat my apologies. I was very angry.

•Tom: It’s okay, but I forgot one more condition I didn’t mention, and you have to accept it.

•George: What is it?

•Tom (Laughing): Come on, George, it’s over… I was just kidding. We have an appointment tomorrow for a very important session.

•George: Thanks, Tom.

•Tom: If you come late, I’ll ... ha ha ha... I’ll wait for you.

•George: I’ll come on time... I repeat my apologies.


After finishing his call with Tom, George remembered his appointment with Adam…

•George: I’m going out to see Adam at the cafe.

•Katrina: Adam’s such a wise and sane man. If I weren’t busy I’d go with you.

•George: That’s right, and even I don’t know what he gets from being my friend?!

•Katrina: Friendship aren’t built and based on materialistic gains.

•George: Maybe we’ll have lunch together; this is the only benefit he gets from being my friend as he lives alone.

When George arrived at the café, Adam welcomed him saying that his shift would end in half an hour and he could have his coffee till it ended. When Adam finished his shift, he joined George to have lunch in the “Happiness Restaurant”.

•Adam: We have one hour to have lunch and then we must go back to the café, okay? And now tell me how the stronghold and center of Catholicism was?

•George: You won’t get upset if I tell you?

•Adam: And what would make me angry! It seems that you have become very sensitive!

•George: I can’t believe in the Old Testament; so Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism and even Islam won’t be suitable for me.

•Adam: Firstly, why are you so prejudiced against the Torah? Is this based on that verse you sent us?

•George: This is one reason, and I’ve about a hundred other reasons to believe that the Torah’s distorted.

•Adam: And what about the New Testament?

•George: The same, but maybe a little bit better.

•Adam: And the Qur’an?

•George: The same too as it believes in the Old and New Testament.

•Adam: I wish you wouldn’t make such rash judgments.

•George: Despite all of this, I’ve a feeling that I’ll find an answer to all my questions.

•Adam: Absolutely.

•George: The problem is that if there’s no right religion, then the solution is atheism!

•Adam: Atheism isn’t and never can be the path to happiness or the answer to life’s questions.

•George: Then where is the path?

•Adam: Keep searching and you’ll find it.

•George: Ha ha ha… maybe the path is Islam, the religion of terrorism!

•Adam: When you asked if people wanted to know about Islam, the answer was always yes. By the way, these people come from different religions, so why don’t you want to know about Islam?

•George: I want to know about Islam more than any one of you, and because of many others reasons, more than those which you mentioned. It is enough to say that if Islam isn’t the right religion, then no religion is right.

•Adam: I don’t think that you should study any religion in this way!

•George: Here’s the “Happiness Restaurant”; I wish we will reach the path to happiness. Let’s continue talking inside.

They chose a table, and then the waiter took their order. When the waiter left, Adam looked at George firmly…

•Adam: I’ll continue what I was saying … when you were arranging to travel to Rome and started to read about Christianity, what did I tell you?

•George: You told me to be open-minded and not to make premature judgments.

•Adam: I’m repeating what I said again; you shouldn’t study Islam except in this way.

•George: I started to think about the books I wanted to read about Islam when I was on the plane.

•Adam: If you want my advice, start with the Qur’an before any other book.

•George: But why didn’t I start with the revealed books of Judaism and Christianity?

•Adam: Because Judaism doesn’t encourage the reading of the Old Testament – it even intentionally keeps some of its texts hidden. And concerning Christianity, it doesn’t encourage the person to read the New Testament by himself, as you have to understand it the way the rabbis and pastors do.

•George: And what about the Qur’an?

•Adam: Didn’t I say that you don’t understand Islam! Islam made Qur’an the basic reference when studying Islam and when preaching, warning and calling Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

•George: It sounds that you’re acquainted with Islam; did you study it during your study of religions?

•Adam: Yes.

•George: Tell me honestly, what do you think about it?

•Adam: Someone like you can’t be dictated about what to think; read the Qur’an and make your own decision.

•George: Tell me honestly, what’s your religion? At first, I thought you were a Jew, then a Christian, and now you seem to be a Muslim!

•Adam: Didn’t you think that I was a Buddhist or a Hindu when I told you to learn about Buddhism and Hinduism? I want to assure you that if one isn’t open-minded and free from that box that controls his mind, he’ll never advance. I’ll tell you what my religion is after you know all you want about the path to happiness, maybe my way will be an alternative to all the religions.

•George: It never came to my mind that it could be an alternative way to all the religions!

•Adam: Read the Qur’an and also what is written about Islam and about its Prophet, then try to make comparisons between all the religions; the skill of connecting subjects and information together is very important to attain success.

•George: How can I connect all of the subjects together?

•Adam: In order not to lose your bearing, remember things you hated in Buddhism and Hinduism and make sure they don’t exist in Judaism, Christianity or Islam, and also make sure that things you loved about Buddhism exist in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In this way you can make connections between the different subjects.

•George: I like this comprehensive, integrated view about what I want and what I don’t want.

•Adam: Consider similarities and differences among the religions too.

•George: Unfortunately, I see more similarities than differences!

•Adam: Connecting between them will activate the mind and your thinking. Make sure you connect comprehensive issues, not just fine details.

•George: But I see similarities, as I think that all of the religions believe in the Old Testament. And I believe that anybody who believes in the Old Testament must be really insane.

•Adam: However, Christians believe that the New Testament was revealed to complete the old one, so they believe in the Old Testament while Jews don’t believe in the New Testament. On the other hand, Muslims believe in them both, they also believe they have been distorted and that what exists now isn’t from God. Muslims believe in the Qur’an and think that it abrogates what was revealed before; so don’t you notice that all of them are very different?

•George: Yes, very different actually. But I tend to notice similarities more than differences, and I don’t connect different subjects a lot.

•Adam: Great, finding out the problem is the way to reach the solution. If you find the solution, you’ll have an integrated view. If you could please finish your lunch, I have to go now so that I won’t be late for work.

•George: Fine, let’s go. By the way, your very luxurious and very cheap bag is in the car.

•Adam: Although you laughed at me, you brought one which is just what I wanted.

•George: We found it by coincidence as there was a shop that was selling off their bags, and it was the last good quality bag there.

•Adam: Coincidence shows humans’ inability to understand what God destines for us. Sadly, we usually use the word “coincidence” when we don’t know how something happened, which means that we think we’re aware of what happens in the whole universe and when something we don’t know takes place we use the word “coincidence”, as if our ignorance of something means that there’s no knowledge of it in this world. This, of course, is a kind of blameworthy self-appreciation and arrogance… or maybe it’s out of being unintentionally affected by atheism.

•George: I’m getting tired of your philosophy and you being so specific when referring to different terms… ha ha ha … okay; God destined me to find that last bag. Have I passed the test now?

•Adam: Ha ha ha… as long as the bag is extremely luxurious and cheap.

•George: In this case, I’ve passed the test. Here’s the bag.

•Adam: It’s fantastic, it’s just what I wanted; and this shows that sometimes we don’t reach the truth through the use of only our minds.

•George: But truth can’t contradict the mind, as real truth is only that which the mind accepts, and if there are any contradictions between the real truth and the mind, then one of them must be wrong.

•Adam: You’re right, that’s a good point; now you tell me who the philosopher is?!

•George: I hurt Tom and kicked him out when he was in my house, but then I apologized and he forgave me. By the way, I have a session with him tomorrow.

•Adam: You kicked him out then apologized and he forgave you just like that! What a mannerly guy! I didn’t expect Tom to reach this level so fast!

•George: What do you mean?

•Adam: According to what you’ve just said, Tom’s getting better, and usually one doesn’t ascend from the bottom to have such good manners so fast.

•George: Didn’t you meet with Tom after you’d met in the hospital the first time?

•Adam: Yes, more than once.

•George: More than once?!

•Adam: That’s right. In fact I felt at ease with him and I think he felt the same.

•George: And what do you think about him?

•Adam: He’s smart, level-headed and experiencing a great period of transformation.

•George: Transformation from what to what?

•Adam: From what he was to a better state.

•George: And what is that better state?

•Adam: Maybe it’s the path to happiness that you’re seeking.

•George: And will he find it but I won’t?!

•Adam: Aren’t you experiencing a great period of transformation just like him? It seems that you feel jealous and don’t want him to find the path!

•George: What matters is how the session is going to be.

•Adam: I presume it will be as usual.

•George: And what is that usual?

•Adam: You know that better than me.

•George: The usual is to ask me about the previous research reading and discussions, and then we start a new stage.

•Adam: Then that’s what you have to expect.

•George: Do you expect me to discuss with him about distorted Christianity, or to study that underdeveloped Islam?

•Adam: Yes, I expect both this and that.

•George: And to follow the same path fairly. But should I go to Tora Bora, just as I did with the other religions?! Have you lost your mind, Adam!

•Adam: Ha ha ha! No, I don’t think so. But to be fair, you should go to somewhere just as you’ve done with the other religions… ha ha ha, but not necessarily Tora Bora.

•George: I’m not a Muslim so I can’t go to Mecca, unless I pretend to be a Muslim.

•Adam: Do you think that you’ll find the path to happiness by lying?!

•George: But what can I do if Islam is difficult? I went to Rome although I’m not a Catholic; moreover, you can go to the Vatican even if you’re an atheist.

•Adam: I understand what you are trying to say, but tell me: can somebody from Mecca go to Britain without fulfilling the conditions to enter?

•George: I understand what you mean, but this is different.

•Adam: No, there’s no difference. If you don’t follow rules, you can’t access any part of this world. Can a penniless person go to that “Happiness Restaurant” and make an order as we’ve done?

•George: You’re right, but maybe I don’t fulfill the conditions to be a Muslim.

•Adam: Maybe, who knows?

•George: You’re so weird today, but we’ve reached the café. We should meet again soon.

•Adam: Ha ha ha! I’ll be looking forward to your call… or will we meet in Tora Bora?!


George went to Tom on time, but he found the door closed, so he knocked. Tom opened the door, saying:

•Tom: Come in, please… sorry for that, the clinic is closed until the troubles Brad is making is over. He is still turning all the people I know against me.

•George: So what are you going to do about it?

•Tom: I don’t know, but surely the whole matter will be solved sooner or later.

•George: Why don’t you negotiate with him?

•Tom: Negotiate what?!

•George: I don’t know, but you have to stop his evil.

•Tom: I prefer to choose his evil over what he wants from me. It’s weird, but despite his harm, I’m much happier than I was when he used to serve me.

•George: Life’s full of paradoxes and wonders; a monk commits adultery, a prophet strips, a god kills, and despite it all, we shouldn’t object or criticize!

•Tom: Let’s return to our main subject: tell me what you honestly think about the Catholic Church.

•George: Honestly, I found that it is impossible for any reasonably minded person to accept it!

•Tom: Maybe this is because you’re a Protestant!

•George: The Protestant Church is very similar to Catholicism, so I don’t think what you said is the problem. The problem is …

•Tom: …is what?

•George: Actually, the problem’s about paganism.

•Adam: Paganism?!

•George: Oh how I tired myself thinking about this, but this is the truth. The paganism of the papacy, of the trinity, of idols, of…

•Tom: You mean the problem is the church?!

•George: No, the problem is the Bible itself; both the Old and New Testament. In order to solve this problem, the Catholic Church confined the reading of the Bible to its monks who are the only ones allowed to interpret it; as for the Protestant Church, it allowed all people to read it, as they wanted.

•Tom: A deep analysis, but why do you think they did that?

•George: Because those who wrote the Bible made some amendments to it, then pastors and monks gathered and amended it again.... after that it was amended many times, which made it a book that contradicts itself, which logically violates the statement that it has been revealed by God.

•Tom: Why wasn’t it written when Christ was alive?

•George: In that time, Christians were oppressed and being chased, so it was actually written quite a long time after Christ had died by unknown people and even in a different language from that of Christ’s. The problem is that the dilemma and the unscholarly compilation of the Bible can never be solved, and as a result contradictions between the different copies of the Bible increased, and there were even contradictions between the reports in any one single copy; contradictions that clash with reason, logic, facts and science.

•Tom: Enough! It seems that you’re prejudiced against the Bible!

•George: I’m not at all. But believe me, I tried to follow and accept the Bible, but I failed!

•Tom: How is that?

•George: I’ll give you two examples; first: in order to believe in everything cited in the Bible, I have to cripple my mind but if I do that, I won’t be able to understand it at all.

•Tom: Nice philosophy…practical, amazing mentality.

•George: Second: if I decide to understand and submit and cripple my mind, the Bible itself says it isn’t for me!

•Tom: Please tell me how!!

•George: In the Bible we have the saying of Jesus: (I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel) and I’m not of “the sons of Israel”, so Jesus wasn’t sent for me.

•Tom: So you’re not a Christian?!

•George: Maybe… I really don’t know! I’m afraid that I have become an atheist because of you!

•Tom: My original plan was for you to become an atheist, and I fear that it may have succeeded. But I’ve changed recently, and since I understand atheism better than you do, let me tell you something: there’s no real atheism. It is only a pretense; a way to escape from answering the major questions in life. You can escape through atheism, wine, sex or anything else, but you’ll later find out that you’re living the worst form and most miserable way of life. Atheism is just a way of escaping from the truth; it isn’t a type of internal belief.

•George: Unfortunately, your plan has started to succeed. I’m afraid of losing hope in finding the path to happiness.

•Tom: Maybe this is because of our ignorance. We’ve let something pass without understanding or analyzing it. Anyhow, we’ve decided not to make any decisions until we finish.

•George: What do you mean by your saying: we’ve let something pass without understanding or analyzing it?! This is the same logic of Catholicism.

•Tom: That’s right, to some extent. But intellectually and logically, isn’t it possible that we are mistaken, or at least that we’re liable to make mistakes?

•George: Yes, of course it is possible, while thinking that you’re always right isn’t acceptable.

•Tom: Ha ha ha! Good…so Catholicism suits the intellect… anyway, we’ve agreed not to make any decisions until we’re finished.

•George: I hope this isn’t one of your usual ways of introducing a new plan; the study of Islam.

•Tom: Of course, that’s what I’m suggesting… I’ve even started studying Islam myself, and I’m trying hard to be open minded about it. I told you before: I’m seeking the path to happiness, just like you.

George hit his hands together, saying:

•George: It seems that we’ve started on a path that has no end.

•Tom: I started reading the Qur’an, the holy book of the Muslims, yesterday.

•George: Ha ha ha! Adam tried to persuade me to read it too, but I didn’t respond; I feel that I would be just wasting my time.

•Tom: He gave me a copy of the Qur’an translated into English… he thinks that I might convert to Islam after reading it.

•George: He wants you to convert to Islam! What made him think that?

•Tom: All people call others to their own religion and ideas.

•George: I don’t understand! What do you mean?

•Tom: Adam wants me to convert to his religion… What’s so difficult to understand about that?!

•George: He’s a Muslim!!!?

•Tom: Yes, it’s so clear. He looks like an Arab. Haven’t you noticed that?

•George: No, I haven’t. His name isn’t Arabic and I was thinking that he was a Catholic of Indian descent. I hope he hasn’t been fooling with me.

•Tom: He’s named after the father of all humans, and we use that name just like the Arabs do. I don’t think he has been fooling you unless he’s lied to you. Did he lie about anything you asked him?

•George: I asked him many times about his religion and he didn’t answer, but what matters is: was he trying to guide me to Islam? I don’t like being fooled.

•Tom: And would you be fooled if he just called you to his religion?!

•George: No, but I’m afraid…

•Tom: There’s nothing to fear, unless you’re afraid of converting to Islam!

•George: Yes, I’m afraid of being driven to something without knowing or understanding it.

•Tom: And are you so weak to be driven by Adam while pastors themselves couldn’t do that?! Or is Adam so powerful that you have become afraid of him?

George gestured with his hands, answering:

•George: It’s not either of them. Why are you talking to me in this way?!

•Tom: Because you’ve turned from a lion with all the religions to a bunny, terrified of Islam.

•George: I’m not terrified, and I’ll study Islam… by the way, concerning your discussions about changing, Adam has written about your changes.

•Tom: My changes?! I’m still stuck with Brad, but he’s writing about changes?!

•George: Have a look on his Facebook profile and read what he writes.

•Tom: I shall. But concerning your studies, it is important to be open minded when studying Islam, just as you were with the other religions, okay?

•George: Okay.

•Tom: And be critical of it as you were with the other religions too?

•George: Yes, and even more so.

•Tom: No, this isn’t what we agreed on; to be more critical of it means you will be more prejudiced and more close minded about it. You should do it being open minded, just as you did with Judaism, Christianity, and the other religions.

•George: Do you want me to just submit and not be critical of it?!

•Tom: I want you to be open and keen to accept knowledge, then you can be critical of Islam with an open mind, just as you were with Judaism, Christianity and Buddhism.

•George: But I was very critical of those religions, and their falseness became clear, at least to me.

•Tom: Then show the falseness of Islam too, but I prefer you to study it first and then decide; maybe something we never thought about might appear.

•George: And what are we going to do when we find the falseness and contradictions of Islam? Are we going to turn back to atheism?

•Tom: I don›t know! All I know is that maybe something unexpected might appear.

•George: As you›ve started reading the Qur›an, what do you think about it?

•Tom: I just started yesterday and I have only read a little, but so far it›s interesting.

•George: Oh you›re a Muslim too. Ha ha ha… have I become suspicious or what?!

•Tom: No, no, don›t worry, I›m not.

•George: So what are you?

•Tom: I›m just like you; I really don›t know what I am. I feel that I keep fluctuating from one thing to another.

•George: This is what Adam says about you; you keep changing.

•Tom: Maybe he›s right; I›ll read what he wrote about me today, but tell me his full name to be able to find his Facebook account.

•George: You can find his email account in my emails, and you should be able to find his Facebook page from it.

•Tom: Good. Okay we›ll study Islam with an open mind.

•George: Ha ha ha… and we will go to Afghanistan or Tora Bora with an open mind too.

•Tom: I don›t know why you›re talking as though you›re sure you will convert to Islam.

•George: I›m just kidding.

•Tom: By the way, did you fight with Katrina about your opinion of Catholicism?

•George: Yes, but it seems like she has started to accept my views.

•Tom: But I felt that she truly worshipped and loved Jesus when she went to the church.

•George: This was my feeling too, but she has become extremely shocked by Catholicism and its doctrines… can you believe that she was very confused when we met a Muslim in Rome!! And became more confused when she found out that the pastor who guided her to faith and certitude had no answer to my doubts!

•Tom: How much I like her religiosity!

•George: Convert to Catholicism then.

•Tom: And how much I hate contradictions with science!

•George: Ha ha ha… then convert to Islam and go to Tora Bora!

•Tom: Believe me, if I›m convinced by Islam and have to go there, I›ll go.

•George: I like your strong determination, but unfortunately I don›t see any light at the end of the tunnel.

•Tom: Me too, but I›m sure that the light will suddenly appear… how, I don’t know; but I›m sure it will.

•George: I feel that too.

•Tom: You didn›t send us a summary of our answers, as you usually do.

•George: Yes, I didn›t check my email yesterday because of your photos. I›ll send it today, and today I›m going to pay special attention to see if Adam›s answers are those of a Muslim›s.

•Tom: His previous answers clearly showed he›s a Muslim.

•George: Maybe, but I wasn›t paying much attention - maybe that›s why he wrote that I don›t connect between topics, incidents, discussions and information.

•Tom: It is very important to connect things.

•George: That›s what he said; it seems that you like him.

•Tom: I didn›t know that this was his opinion, but actually I like how he is psychologically calm and balanced even more.

•George: I agree with you about his level-headedness, and I like his opinions too. By the way, did you get rid of the eavesdropping devices Brad had installed?

•Tom: Yes, and I hope that I’ll be done with Brad and his problems soon, as he reminds me of my old miserable life!

•George: You’ll be finshed with him soon. Can I leave now?

•Tom: Yes, we’re done for today; I think today’s session is a great and important one.

•George: So we’ll start studying Islam, and I’ll go back to my work and see Kach again… oh how I hate these two!

•Tom: Hate what?

•George: Islam and Kach.

•Tom: Here you are being prejudiced again.

•George: Oh sorry… ha ha ha… I should say Kach and Islam… I wonder what is waiting for us!


George checked his email when he went back home in the evening… he read his friends’ replies to his last message in which he asked them to make a comparison between the holy books of the three divine religions:

“Levvi: I haven’t read the Qur’an, but I think that the three religions are very similar.” “Habib: The thing they have in common is that they are all from God, but the Qur’an is different as it has remained constant throughout the years and different generations, but I haven’t read it in detail.” “Adam: They’re all from God, but unfortunately the Torah and Gospel have been distorted.” “Tom: I haven’t read the Qur’an so I can’t make any comparison.” “Katrina: Both the Old and New Testaments are from God, but I don’t think that the Qur’an is the same. I haven’t read it yet, perhaps I’ll give it a go.” “Janolka: I started reading the Qur’an just yesterday, and I think it’s different from the Torah and Gospel, but don’t know exactly how.”

George focused on Adam’s answer and pondered over his way of writing. All of his friends frankly mentioned that they hadn’t read the Quran before or had only read it casually, except Adam; he’s the only who didn’t refer to that. George sent the answers back to all his friends, then wrote the sixth point for discussion:

“Sixth discussion point: who can read the Qur’an and study one specific issue: has it remained constant, or has it been distorted? Hope to get your answers in a week from today, George.”

After sending the message, he immediately called Adam …

•George: Although we just saw each other, I really miss you and want to see you again; will tomorrow suit you?

•Adam: It’s okay, but let’s make it after my shift, it ends at eight o’clock… and maybe we can have dinner together… ha ha ha.

•George: Okay, fine. I start work again tomorrow. It’s been about three weeks since the last time I saw Kach’s face.

•Adam: See you tomorrow then, bye.

When Katrina came home, she found George totally preoccupied in front of the computer screen . She kissed him and patted him on his shoulder…

•Katrina: Sorry for being late honey, I went to the mall to get some things as the house was empty when we came back from the trip. What a beautiful trip it was!

•George: Yes, it was just amazing. Do you know, the most amazing thing about it was you!

•Katrina: Thanks for those sweet words. The trip ended so fast.

•George: All beautiful things end quickly, my darling. It’s the bleak moments that are long and boring, even the good books finish quickly, while the boring ones stay with you for days and weeks. In fact that’s why you finished that book Khalid gave you in one sitting.

•Katrina: You mean that book “My Great Love for Jesus Led Me to Islam”?! The point wasn’t that it was particularly enjoyable, but that it was very interesting.

•George: So you’re going to read the Qur’an, as you said in your message?

•Katrina: Yes, I actually bought a copy yesterday to start reading it.

•George: Oh! This is a major change; Katrina’s reading the Qur’an! Will you become a Muslim then?

•Katrina: I’m only going to read it to find out its shortcomings and contradictions.

•George: I just sent an email to everybody, asking you all to read the Qur’an! I’ll get a copy from Adam tomorrow.

•Katrina: And why Adam, exactly?

•George: Because the Qur’an is his holy book.

•Katrina: Is Adam a Muslim?! Didn’t you say he’s a Catholic?!

•George: It was a surprise for me too; in fact I’ll meet him tomorrow for exactly that reason.

•Katrina: Although I’m comfortable with him, I’m not with Muslims; maybe I felt comfortable with him because I thought he was a Catholic.

•George: What you’re saying isn’t fair at all! Aren’t we supposed to judge him regardless of his religious beliefs?

•Katrina: No, any evaluation has to be based on religion; do you want me to treat a Catholic believer as I treat a terrorist Muslim?! Don’t we treat a cultured person better than anyone else, and a well-mannered person better than a bad-mannered one? Manners, culture and religion are the basic criteria that should be used when evaluating anyone.

•George: Maybe this is true if you’re sure that your religion is undoubtedly right as regards manners and culture.

•Katrina: I’m sure about that to a great extent, but do you consider religion to be less important than good manners and high culture?! Ha ha ha! You seem to have been affected by atheism, George.

•George: Maybe; but why were you so worried about Sally and Michael when we were in the church? Where you affected by atheism too?

•Katrina: I wasn’t worried at all; you’re imagining things and believe what you imagine. Anyhow, what should I have been worried about?

•George: I was just kidding; okay you weren’t worried about the kids and weren’t scared of that Muslim who gave you the book; by the way where is it, as I want to read it?

•Katrina: I understand what you are implying; all people are affected by what they hear, read and think about.

•George: Can I ask you a question, and please give me a frank answer?

•Katrina: Sure…

•George: Would you be able to leave Catholicism?

•Katrina: Leave Catholicism?! For what?

•George: For Protestantism, Judaism, Islam or any other religion.

•Katrina: If you had asked me that question just a month before, I would have answered no, of course not… and now I would still say no, but unfortunately I don’t know why my faith has become weaker. And although you embarrass me with your questions, they make me more honest with myself.

•George: You’re an example of faith for me, and what you’ve just said is maybe a proof of your faith increasing. Although I’m a Protestant, not a Catholic, I can feel your true faith… you lighten my path.

•Katrina: But the fact is that you are an example for anyone who wants to seek the truth, and you’re going to find it… I love you George.


George went to work in the morning and headed straight to his office… He didn’t want to see Kach. He hated Kach but didn’t know if it was because he was a Jew or because he was greedy and bad-mannered, or both of them combined. But he felt comfortable with Levvi, although she was a Jew and religious too… he didn’t hate anyone for his religion, but he hated contradictions and superstitions in any religion.
But he had to meet Kach, so it was better for him to call Kach before he found out that he had returned and so rings him… while he was engrossed in thinking about Kach, he saw a piece of paper signed by Kach in his office which contained a list of achievements and contracts he had made in India and Tel Aviv, and a large remuneration for his efforts. George wondered if he had exaggerated in hating Kach. Or if he had changed his mind a little about Kach when he learned about the remuneration? Was this remuneration proof that Kach was a good man? Or was it just a bribe, like the one he gave to Benjamin in Jerusalem?!
The telephone rang, it was Kach…

•Kach: Hi George. When I heard that you had returned I waited for you in my office, but you didn’t come; will you come to my office or shall I come to yours?

•George: I’ll come in a few minutes; I was just tidying things here.

•Kach: I’ll be waiting for you, then.

George collected some papers and tidied them, but he couldn’t clear his mixed thoughts and confused mind. When he arrived at Kach’s office, the latter welcomed him with open arms…

•Kach: How are you George? I’ve missed you! Tell me about Rome… in fact tell me about Tel Aviv?

•George: I’m fine and I recovered from my illness. As for Tel Aviv, I signed all the contracts and sent them to you, and about Rome, it was a fantastic trip. But how are you guys, and how are things at work?

•Kach: The contracts of Tel Aviv will yield big progress for the company; the Jewish lobby has great power in many countries so both Europe and America will be opened for us because we signed a contract with Tel Aviv. Do you know that the board of directors decided to give you a large remuneration?

•George: Thanks for that, Kach; I was just doing my job.

•Kach: I don’t know how you overcame the obstructions? You’re such a brilliant marketer!

•George: There weren’t any obstructions; he just signed the contract straight away.

•Kach: Didn’t he ask for his sum?

•George: You mean the bribe? He took it.

•Kach: Didn’t he ask for something else?

•George: Like what?

•Kach: Never mind. Now tell me, how many nights did you spend with Levvi? I know that she sometimes refuses to do that because she’s religious.

•George: I didn’t spend the night with her, and I can never do something like that.

•Kach: Crummy Benjamin…he didn’t make her do that?!

•George: He’s crummy because he took the bribe, and I didn’t ask him to spend the night with Levvi. How do you think that I could accept that?! To just ask Benjamin to make her have sex with me?!

•Kach: He signed the contract and that’s what matters. I hoped you’d have some fun though, but you refused. If I were you, I’d have spent my nights with her; don’t you like her?

•George: I’m a married man Kach; do you want me to betray my wife?! I could never give up my principles.

•Kach: Oh don’t start; we use that word ‘principles’ just when we want to achieve a goal.

•George: Maybe you’re talking about something else other than principles, as principles can’t be overstepped.

•Kach: Do you know that Levvi spends the nights with me every time I go to Tel Aviv? And she’s the one who talks the most about principles.

•George: It’s just human weakness.

•Kach: That’s the philosophy of principles; when we want to achieve a goal, we justify it with principles, but if we want something else, we just justify it as being due to human weakness.

Kach’s words aroused something inside George: Kach’s right, he bribed Benjamin and justified that with being weak; was he following Kach’s theory of principles?

•George: Maybe, but living without any principles is one of the worst states ever, as we wouldn’t be much different from animals in such a case.

•Kach: Ha ha ha… excuse me, but animals are better than human beings; at least they have instinctive traits that can’t be changed - call them principles if you want.

•George: Actually, you’re right, people without values and principles are worse than animals; they turn into monsters that don’t care about anything except money, sex and power.

•Kach: Fantastic lecture, man of principles. But let’s forget about that now and get back to work! Are you ready to sign a contract in Sweden?

•George: A new trip to Sweden?

•Kach: Yes… in a week, the board of directors unanimously decided to send you there, so they postponed the date of the trip more than once waiting for your return.

•George: What does the contract entail?

•Kach: The same as the one in Tel Aviv, and the conditions are very similar.

•George: How? I don’t understand!

•Kach: A sum of money is to be paid to the manager of the technical department in the diplomatic way you are used to, and the contract will be signed, just like that.

•George: I got it, the manager there is just like Benjamin; but is there another Levvi there?

•Kach: Ha ha ha! You told me that you didn’t have fun with Levvi, so why are you looking for another Levvi in Sweden? Where are your principles?

•George: I didn’t mean that, I’m just looking for similarities.

•Kach: Yes… you’ll find another Levvi there, her name is Ingrid and don’t worry, she’s as beautiful as Levvi.

•George: That’s good, so you wouldn’t think my refusal would be because there wouldn’t be any ladies there.

•Kach: I don’t understand?!

•George: I’m not going to go, and now you can’t think that my refusal is because there won’t be lustful nights there.

•Kach: And why won’t you go?

•George: Didn’t you call me a man of principles? Bribes contradict my principles.

•Kach: But you bribed Benjamin to make him sign the contract, didn’t you, man of principles?!

•George: It was a mistake; call it human weakness if you want!

•Kach: I told you we use principles only to achieve our goals and interests; what do you want then?

•George: I don’t want anything; I just don’t want to go.

•Kach: What if I told you that your next remuneration would be twice as much as the previous one? That makes it about three months’ salary.

•George: This is not the point….

•Kach: I don’t want you to answer now; you have two days to think about it. I’m sure you won’t miss a chance like this.

•George: What chance?

•Kach: A chance of traveling, receiving a remuneration and a promotion.

•George: Promotion?!

•Kach: Yes, the board of directors are very impressed by your achievements and if you sign that new contract in Sweden you’ll take my place as the general manager of the company.

•George: And what about you?!

•Kach: Maybe I’ll be the general manager of the holding company. Think about that, I’m sure you won’t miss such a chance. The date of the trip is up to you. Ha ha… the principle in this case would be to deliver the money, or to pay the bribe as you call it.

•George: And if I don’t go?!

•Kach: You would harm your position here in the company; I don’t think a sane man like you would do that. Believe me, I wish I could travel, but the board of directors are impressed by you and they insisted they wanted you to seal important contracts like this one.

•George: I’ll answer you in a few days.

•Kach: I’m sure you will think correctly and be wise, so I’ll ask the public relations to start making your reservations. The contracts will be in your office with a detailed definition of the agreement.

•George: Excuse me; I’ve some work to do.

George went to his office wondering to himself: “Is Kach right? Are principles just interests that could be changed as we want? Or are they lighthouses showing us the path that we should follow? And if that is the case, then why did he bribe Benjamin in Tel Aviv? And what should he do now? This trip seems to be very important for Kach… perhaps it will determine whether he’s going to remain working in this company or be fired… but if principles are really worthless, we’ll change into beasts, preying on each other; oh why didn’t God control these things? Why did he leave people alone to organize these things themselves?”
He was engrossed in thinking when he received all the papers and documents of the trip. He started to briefly check them, but the question now was if he should travel or not? And if he wouldn’t travel, then why should he bother himself with reading them?
George felt that the day was very long and he couldn’t wait to go home and discuss things with Katrina. When he got home, he found her completely engrossed in reading…

•George: This book seems to be very interesting!

•Katrina: Somewhat, yes. This is the holy book of the Muslims.

•George: So you’ve started reading it?

•Katrina: Yes, but despite my poor understanding and being preoccupied by it, I can’t resist re-reading the translation of every chapter more than once.

•George: Why?!

•Katrina: I don’t know, maybe because it’s completely different from what I’m used to reading.

•George: Good, but can we leave this topic now, there’s something important I have to discuss with you.

•Katrina: Sure.

•George: Kach offered me a new trip.

•Katrina: This is the first time since you started working in this company that you have gone on so many consecutive trips. Where will you go this time?

•George: To Sweden.

•Katrina: It’s a beautiful country.

•George: This isn’t the issue.

•Katrina: What is, then?!

•George: When I traveled to Jerusalem to sign the agreement and the contracts, I brought with me a big bribe for the other company’s manager to make him sign the contract, and they want me to do that again in Sweden.

•Katrina: Although I hate bribes very much, but what’s new, you’ve already done it before?!

•George: The same words of Kach.

•Katrina: I hate this Kach, but…

•George: But if I made a mistake the first time, do I have to make it again?! Isn’t there a way to learn from one’s mistakes?!

•Katrina: In Christianity, Jesus has saved and purified us by sacrificing himself for mankind.

•George: But this isn’t confined to any one person, it’s for everybody, even criminals.

•Katrina: I don’t understand?!

•George: I mean: why should we give up our mistakes while we’ve already been purified from them?! I think this is a good way to sell acts of indulgence for automatic forgiveness.

•Katrina: I understand what you mean. This is the case in Catholicism, but it isn’t in Islam. In Islam, if anyone repents and asks God’s forgiveness, God will forgive him.

•George: Oh what progress, you’re talking about Islam just after reading one book! Don’t Muslims have to repent in the presence of their monks and pastors? How is the ritual of salvation done then?

•Katrina: There’s no ritual, the person just returns to God to ask Him for forgiveness, and also abandons their sins while being determined not to do them again.

•George: It is that easy!

•Katrina: Yes.

•George: All of this information is just from that book that the Muslim gave you in Rome!

•Katrina: No, it’s from the Qur’an, the holy book of the Muslims.

•George: Let’s return to the problem of Kach.

•Katrina: I don’t know what you should do; it’s a really difficult choice; saying yes means you lose your principles and your self-respect, while no means losing your job.

•George: Yes, both options are difficult and I’ve two days to answer him. If you were me, what would you do?

•Katrina: I’m confused just like you. I was going to discuss something with you, but you started talking about your problem first, and I don’t want you to have even more problems.

•George: What happened?

•Katrina: I’m not sure any more about what I teach in the school, so I’m thinking about quitting my job.

•George: Quitting your job?!

•Katrina: As you don’t want to lose your principles, I don’t want to lose them too. When I’m teaching I say many things that I don’t actually believe in, so I have two choices now: to teach things I don’t believe in and contradict my principles, or leave my job and lose my payment.

•George: This is a great change. You’ve been teaching these things for ten years, what happened now? And if we all quit our jobs, how can we live under the increasing unemployment, not just here in Britain, but in the whole world?

•Katrina: What happened is that my belief in Catholicism has been shaken; isn’t this what you wanted?! Anyway, I haven’t made any decision yet.

•George: Sorry for making you upset, I was just kidding.

•Katrina: No, on the contrary you opened my eyes. But I didn’t want to tell you at first so as not to make you more confused.

•George: You’re right; I have become more confused now… I’ll think carefully and make my decision in two days, and you make yours too; truly, life is full of important decisions.

•Katrina: George, you have to consult with someone.

•George: But who can understand my problem with work?

•Katrina: Any of your friends. You can put it in the discussion points you send to us throught the e-mail.

•George: Great idea, I’ll send it now.

George went to his room upstairs, turned on his computer, and typed this message to his friends:

“Seventh discussion point: I have a problem and want to share it with you before you answer the sixth discussion point. The problem is: should I follow my principles even if they could destroy my life? Or should I follow my interests even if they would spoil my principles? Isn’t there any way to keep one’s principles and interests at the same time, without any contradiction between the two? Please give me a clear and frank answer, as if it was your own problem, George.”

After sending the message, he browsed Tom’s profile on Facebook. It had finally been restored with an apology from Tom about the fake Photoshopped pictures that had been posted… George felt comfortable as it seemed that Tom had regained his Facebook page and had ended his problems with Brad. After that, he browsed Adam’s page to find a new article with the title “Lessons from my friend on his quest to find happiness: 4.”

My friend is now facing the most difficult period in his quest, and we can notice these points in this stage of his search: 1. Knowing what you don’t want is much easier than knowing what you want; knowing that something isn’t the path to happiness is easier than knowing what the actual path to happiness is, as changing, transformations and new situations are very difficult for anyone. 2. The person needs great courage with oneself to make any decision; courage is the label of any mental, military or moral success. My friend is very courageous, but he needs courage now more than ever before - so can he still remain courageous? 3. My friend and the people around him are experiencing a time of change that he didn›t realize or pay enough attention to, as he until now doesn’t know that I›m a Muslim – which is weird. And he›ll also be surprised soon at the major changes those closest to him are also going through. 5. Although he›s keen on knowledge, he didn›t make the decision to study Islam that easily; maybe this is because of the many suspicions aroused by the media about Islam, and perhaps Muslims should be also blamed, for their errors and mistakes. I still think that my friend is in the final stages of his quest to find happiness and to find an answer to the major questions of life. Wait for the next lessons soon, Adam»

George re-read the article very carefully, and then wondered to himself: does Adam think that Islam is the only path to happiness?! Then why didn’t he say that from the very beginning? Is he playing with me?! Or is Islam based on deception?! If he thinks that Islam is the path to happiness, why did he hide the fact that he is a Muslim?! Is it a shame that one should escape from? Or is it due to a religious secret, like the secrets of the church? While he was so engrossed in thinking, Katrina entered…

•George: Come and read what Adam wrote about me, I have started to doubt him.

•Katrina: What did he write?

•George: Here it is, read.

Katrina read the article concentrating deeply, and then turned to George…

•Katrina: I still don’t understand what you doubt in him?!

•George: He’s Muslim and he thinks that Islam is the path to happiness that will answer my questions!

•Katrina: Yes, darling, this is quite normal; it’s normal for him to think that what he has is the path to happiness.

•George: But…why didn’t he tell me before? Why has he deceived me?

•Katrina: Did he fool you and tell you something that isn’t true?

•George: No, but he hid his religion from me.

•Katrina: I think he told you clearly, but you didn’t notice.

•George: How?!

•Katrina: He wrote his religion in the information section on his Facebook profile page. He didn’t hide his religion at all, he’s even proud of it. He wrote in the space for religion “Muslim and proud of it”.

•George: Can you believe it; I’ve never noticed that, although I browse his profile often? Adam’s right; I don’t connect things enough.

•Katrina: You asked us all to read the Qur’an and answer you, so have you started reading it yet?

•George: No, I was busy with the problem of Kach. I’ll meet Adam today and start reading the Qur’an, and try to make a decision about work today or tomorrow.

•Katrina: Don’t let Adam be wiser than us, listen to him calmly and let us learn better to be able to debate with him…maybe he wants us to convert to Islam, so let him enter Christianity with us instead.

•George: Perhaps! I’ll go to him now and try to listen and learn calmly to be able to discuss with him with knowledge, and I think I’ll dine with him too.